Report: How Danish political parties performed on Facebook in 2023

Our comprehensive review of over 3,200 Danish political Facebook pages has provided insights into the patterns of online political engagement for the year 2023. Compared to the active election periods of the preceding years, we've observed a marked decrease in user engagement, with the number of interactions dropping by over 63% from 2022. This suggests a significant change in the political landscape, with even Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen experiencing a noticeable dip in her online presence. Additionally, our research points out that six politicians have become key influencers in the realm of digital communication, responsible for 30% of all political interactions on these platforms for the year.

The results highlight the fluid nature of online political conversation and suggest that political leaders and their parties may need to rethink their digital strategies to better connect with their audience.


Report: Mapping foreign influence on social media before, during, and after the Norwegian municipal council and county elections 2023


Report: Two layers of fog – Anonymous Norwegian websites linking to Russian-affiliated domains